This Is Whatever This Is
Video – Peter Mader
Words – Theo Acworth
This Is Whatever This Is
Video – Peter Mader
Words – Theo Acworth
This started out with me trying to film 30 tricks on my 30th birthday. Classic setup, phone on the ground, pointing at a few Landhausplatz spots that I like to skate. It’s nothing crazy, just fun little things I like to do that usually work out pretty fast and feel nice, too. I got about ten tricks done and it started to rain, so I didn’t get to finish it. I know, boo hoo. After checking my phone clips, I realised it would actually be much sicker to film this properly, so I hit up Peter Mader, who is a proper filmer and a lovely guy too. He was down to make something happen, but as I’m usually behind a camera, I kept forgetting to ask him to shoot me and just went skating instead.
When I would remember, he would be busy, and when he would ask me, I would be busy. It took a cosy two years for us to finally align our schedules and film for a couple of days. It then took another year and a half to edit this and figure out a release for it. So now I’m 33, but I didn’t end up counting the tricks in the end, and I’m not too good with numbers anyway, so instead of 30 tricks this is just whatever this is. There are many things in this video that are nods to skaters who get me fired up, and maybe I’ll go for another one when I hit 35 and actually release it when I’m 40. Large up to Peter for always being down to film, and also to Irregular for hosting whatever this is. Look forward to the next session with ya’ll!