From bowls and barriers to Innsbruck’s Haus der Musik and Landhausplatz to many lesser known spots. Here’s a homie tape from the capital of Tyrol, featuring Admir Selimi, Flo Wachter, Daniel Ledermann, Felix Haberl, David Grabher Kirchler and many more. Filmed & edited by Georg Gasser, with some input from all the homies. Down below you’ll find some words about the project, that Georg was nice enough to share with us…
At the end of 2023, me and my homies decided to buy a cam together, a HVX200. We wanted to film some real clips instead of just posting phone footy straight to instagram. So, throughout last winter, I experimented a bit with the camera’s settings – exposure, white balance and all that – and when spring came around, I felt like we were good to go. But we did not just want to hit all the well known spots around here, the ones that everyone has already seen over and over again. So, we did quite some research on Google Maps, drove to random places to check out potential spots – sometimes at night – and I think, we were quite successful with this approach.
In total, we were filming for over 50 sessions from March until November. Of course, the best sessions were the ones on which we could get a lot of people involved, cause the vibe’s just a different one when you’re a big crew and everybody can motivate each other – myself included, cause even though I have a real cam now, I still wanna skate as much as I can and keep learning new tricks.
I’m very hyped about how things came together in the end. The editing’s been a fun process, too – alone as well as together with the homies. I’m already looking forward to whatever we’ll get going once this year’s winter season is over and I am especially excited to see what David (Grabher Kirchler) will come up with in the future. He’s only 16 years old and progressing so quickly.
Georg Gasser a.k.a. doubleG